Copley Primary School


Our SEND coordinator is Mrs Rebecca Potter


SEND Policy

SEND Information Report

In the SEND Information Report, we have tried to answer frequently asked questions that parents/carers may ask about provision for children and young people who have a special educational need or disability. The information aims to be clear and easy to understand. However, if you prefer to talk to a member of staff, please contact school and we will be happy to help you.


Accessibility Policy

If you are a parent of a child with a special educational need or disability and you have any concerns or wish to complain about the provision for your child, in the first instance, parents are encouraged to speak to the child’s class teacher. If, however, parents feel that their issues have not been resolved then they should make an appointment to see the SENDCO, a senior member of staff or the Headteacher. If the matter remains unresolved the parents should follow our complaints procedure. This is available on our website in our policies section.


We would also advise parents to seek support from the Calderdale SEND information and advice and support service (SENDIASS). This service is impartial and confidential. They can be contacted through their


We would also like to draw your attention to Calderdale's Local Offer for children with special educational needs or disabilities

Calderdale Local Offer       

Every half term, we have a SEND coffee morning.

On Wednesday 20th November from 9.00am -9.30am, we will be having our next SEND coffee morning. Our visitor this time is Mandy Wheater who works for the specialist inclusion team. She comes in to school to offer advice and to work with children with autism.

Inclusion Team

Our Inclusion Team meet fortnightly. They have already done an assembly where the topic was differences you can and cannot see. The assembly was delivered by the children in the Inclusion Team.

Our Inclusion Team is working with DFN Project Search, a group of young adults with learning disabilities and/or autism. We are working closely with the group to forge community links and to improve awareness of inclusion.

Friday Fun Club

Not only do the children attend the Friday Fun Club with Mr Moorhouse but they have also taken part in competitions with other schools, including boccia, curling and bowling

Our EMHP (Educational Mental Health Practitioner-Sam Hendy

My name is Sam, and I am a trainee Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) based in the Central/Sowerby hub of schools working as part of Calderdale’s Mental Health Support Team. EMHP’s are adding to the existing workforce and strengthen the systems by helping children and young people engage with research-based programmes which have been shown to support difficulties including anxiety, low mood, and challenging behaviour. Though I am new to this role and still training, I have lots of experience of working with children and young people. I am excited to start working alongside the pupils, staff and parents at Copley Primary School, expanding the knowledge surrounding mental health, providing support where needed and becoming a familiar face within the community.

Our independent speech and language therapist-Leah Jackson

I am a speech and language therapist that works with the independent company LINGO and I attend the school fortnightly. I work with the students and teachers to determine what areas of difficulties a child has e.g., do they have difficulties with speech, expressive language, understanding or social communication. I assess the children both formally and informally and conduct classroom observations and then work with the child and staff to determine next steps and targets that are most functional for the child. I then support teachers and TA's in delivering interventions and review the children's progress with these to see if targets have been met.